Implementing a GPU accelerated terminal

Terminals seem to be trending currently, who would have guessed that, in 2025? Since implementing font rendering is on my TODO list for some years now, I gave it a shot. Oh, of course I am talking about hardware accelerated rendering here, so utilizing the GPU. I remember the refterm escalation caused by Casey Muratori that already lies behind us some years. I read the Github thread back than and watched the first video on the topic, but didn't dig any deeper, as I think I have a good understanding of how to render things fast. There are plenty of follow-up videos, probably all of them are warmly recommended to watch.
Results first
I was able to achieve a terminal that can render at around 10k fps, have colored output, support for newline wrapping, window resizing, newline wrapping when resizing the window, autocompletion, history, fancy history rendering, a blinking prompt, font resizing and maybe a few other things. Here are two videos showcasing it:
Startup time is somewhat below 100 ms. Input is processed at the same frequency as rendering, so roughly 1/10000 seconds (0.1 ms) or so.
How it's done
No rocket science, really. There is a library called FreeType, it implements excellent font rendering. Granted, if you would do that part yourself, the whole story would probably be rocket science. This library does the heavy lifting for you - just as GLFW does for windowing. I also used that one. So you might be disappointed that I didn't really implement anything "from scratch", at least depending on your point of view and your standard.
Glyph rendering
With FreeType you can feed in a glyph identifier and your font size. It gives you back the byte data of the rendered glyph which is basically a bitmap containing one byte per pixel which is a value between 0 and 1 and encodes the opacity of your glyph pixel. You can feed that into a texture and then use that texture in your favorite graphics API. In my case OpenGL. If you want an excellent tutorial how to actually do that in code, look here.
When you implement it like described, you get a subpar performance. The post also explains why: Because the simplest way creates a lot of calls on the CPU side to instruct the GPU how to render the text you have.
The first thing we can do is precalculate all the glyphs we have (if there aren't too many) initially and reuse it for the rest of the application lifetime.
Monospace constraint
Terminals have one advantage: They use monospace fonts. That means, every character on screen covers the same amount of space. It means, that the position of a character is independet of its predecessors. And that on the other hand, means we can render every single character on screen indepdendently. Which means in parallel.
Bindless or texture atlas
In parallel however, needs a bit of explanation. Because it doesn't give you anything when you spawn a gazillion threads on the CPU and then have them hammer on the graphics api. We need to arrange our data in a way that we only create one description how to render stuff, hand it over to the GPU once and have the GPU then spawn the gazillion threads. Modern APIs have all that, so long story short: For the preprendering of the glyphs, you can either use a veeery big texture, let's say 4096 x 4096 or even bigger. Or you can use the newer bindless resource APIs that even good old OpenGL already had. With them, you can create a small texture per glyph and on the GPU you can freely index it without the need to do anything on the CPU anymore.
I am using a big atlas and just write the FreeType byte data into that with the right x and y offsets. So glyph identifed by character 0 is at index 0, char 5 is at index 5 and so on. That makes indexing quite trivial.
Precalculating the whole set of glyphs of the Jetbrains Mono font I used takes onyl some miliseconds, I don't even know how many exactly, it doesn't really matter, it's crazy fast.
Render a glyph
Every glyph on the screen is actually rendered with the trditional rendering pipeline. Just regular textured triangles. The texture is our prerendered glyph data, the triangle (actually two) is the cell on the screen determined by column and line indices.
GPU threads
Since we have our char atlas texture in place, we can now spawn as many threads on the GPU as we need: amount of columns on the screen times amount of lines. Every cell is size of glyph width times glyph height. We cover a cell by one quad (four vertices). That topology can directly be rendered by the GPU. One could also use two triangles, probably doesn't make any difference. I use a neat trick where I just bind a dummy vertex buffer that is empty. Then in the shader program, I use the given primitve index to index in some constant data.
const vec2 quadVertices[4] = { vec2(-1.0, -1.0), vec2(1.0, -1.0), vec2(-1.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0) };
const vec2 tex_data[4] = { vec2(0), vec2(1.0, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(1) };
vec2 current_pos_data = quadVertices[ gl_VertexID ];
Now we need to fire up quad renderings for the whole screen. This is done with instancing, like this_
glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, columns * lines);
In the shader, our thread can be idntified by this
int column_index = gl_InstanceID % columns;
int line_index = gl_InstanceID / columns;
which gives us the info in which column and line we're currently at.
Remains how a thread knows which position on the screen it should render to. For that, you need to understand the different coordinate systems graphics APIs deal with. For OpenGL, see here again for a good post.
The clip space is what we have in the constant vertices array. We need to move everything by +1, so that our origin is in 0|0. Multiplying by 0.5, we get a number range from 0 to 1. By multiplying with the inverse of column count times column index and vice versa for line index, we have the position we search, but in the wrong space. We need to reverse the initial operations and get back to clip space. By feeding it into the graphics api position slot, the rest is done for us and will result in screen space coordinates at the end. But the OpenGL screenspace starts at the left bottom, while it would be neat when our terminal starts in the left upper corner, so I also flip y here.
vec2 current_pos_data = quadVertices[ gl_VertexID ];
current_pos_data += 1; // move so that 0|0 is origin
current_pos_data *= 0.5; // convert from range 0-2 to 0-1
current_pos_data *= vec2(cell_width_fragment, cell_height_fragment);
current_pos_data.x += float(column_index) * cell_width_fragment;
current_pos_data.y += float(line_index) * cell_height_fragment;
current_pos_data *= 2; // convert from range 0-1 to 0-2 back again
current_pos_data -= 1; // move back so that screen coords are correct again
current_pos_data.y *= -1; // top is 0, so flip on x axis for now. quadVertices could be adjusted as well
gl_Position = vec4( current_pos_data, 0.0, 1.0 );
The texture coordinates simply go over the quad from 0 to 1 and draw the glyph texture in the fragment shader, nothing special to see here.
Now we only need a data structure, where we can find the character that should be displayed in a given cell for a given cell index.
Data structures for the text
And that's mostly CPU-side stuff. Text is normally represented by a std library class String. Often you can split text directly by newline and keep text available in lines. That data now needs to be transformed. Whenever our text that should be on display changes, we need to recreate our representation. The same goes for changes of the screen representation of the text: As soon as the window size or the font size changes, we need to update.
For every line, we first split it by amount of columns available on the screen. When a line is shorter than columns available, we fill up the remaining space with whitespace. String data is converted to integer data, where each integer is an index into our precalculated glyph atlas, as described above. So we have a big int array of our text now.
Then, we know how many lines our screen can display. We take that many lines from the end of our buffer and copy it to the screen buffer. Our screen buffer is columns times lines exactly mapping to our screen space.
NOTE: This copy step is not really necessary, you can freely use an offset and directly index into the text data. I only differentiate between the two because a) it's convenient because I don't have to care about the case when text is less lines than what's available on screen. And b) because if I ever have the time to use different threads for rendering and text processing, it will be easier for me.
The data is send to the GPU whenever it's changed and the data structure used over there is just a fat buffer Shader storage buffer in OpenGL speach).
layout(std430, binding = 3) buffer _text
int text[];
layout(std430, binding = 4) buffer _color
int color[];
glyph_column_index = text[gl_InstanceID] % atlas_columns;
glyph_line_index = text[gl_InstanceID] / atlas_columns;
And we already have everything we need to render the character on screen.
Color support
With the simple implementation one normally uses, colored text is not too complicated to implement. You have input like "\033[4;31mtest\033[0m" and while the first strange symbol activates red underlining, the latter one resets it. That's easy to directly use when you render glyph after glyph. For parallel rendering, you need to precalculate the color information per glyph.
So before the line splitting is done, we need to find all the ansi color code sequences in the text data, map every character to how it should be colored and remove the color codes form the text.
Sounds easy, but actually coding it is not too trivial and tbh my code for that looks like shit. Currently I just support around 10 base colors for the text and identify them by integers. As soon as I have time, I will probably use the 32 bit more sophisticated or even use 64 bit or more, in order to support alpha values and underlining, background colors and so on in different colors.
Blinking prompt
For the blinking prompt, the text at the prompt end is just a "|". Since I have only one uber shder, I have an if statement that checks for the prompt end index and uses scaled sinus of current time to determine alpha value. That's not very nice, but probably better than having a second shader program that needs to be bound only to render one tiny glyph.
A similar hack goes for the prompt completion that is shown slightly lighter in the prompt. It's just text that I also send as int array to the shader (not part of the big buffer, but s tiny uniform array). And is rendered like the rest of the text with less alpha and identifying the threads by their index.
But what for the glyph that is right under the blinking prompt end? It needs to first render the glyph of the prompt completion and on top of that the blinking curser. How to do that with the given structure that maps a thread to a cell on screen?
Again, I didn't want to fire up a different shader program only for one glyph (even though I don't know whether the overhead for that is more expensive than what I do wth the uber shader). So I fire up one more thread than columns * lines simply. And do an index check in the shader whether the current thread is the last one. If so, I manipulate the output position to be the end of the prompt and render the glyph that the autocompletion contains. Since there's no guarantee which one would be rendered first and which one on top, this would cause blending issues for other situations - for the given one, it's not noticable.
Closing words
When rendering and input handling is coupled, the ms per frame you have is your input latency. At 100000 fps with vsync deactivated this gives you excellent results. However, nobody wants a terminal to render at that speed, because it would drain your laptop battery fast. This whole thing was just to find out how easy it is to create a feature rich terminal that's running very fast.
Font rendering using FreeType is surprisingly easy, very good library. Even though I have some remaining question marks in my head regarding the bearing of a glpyh, as I wasn't able to implement that one completely waterproof with the prerendering (allthough I think it's possible in theory).
Finally, I used Java for the experiment. So yes, you can write high performance stuff in Java, it's possible. You might be able to pull of a faster implementation in your favourite language though. With GraalVM native image I compiled the programm to a native executable that is able to start and fail (I just threw an error) in under 100 ms.
What's missing in my implementation is a proper implementation of a virtual terminal. When you launch applications like top or cat, they will complain that there is no proper terminal. I didn't go down that rabbit hole yet, as I primarily wanted to do implement the renderer - which is more or less independent from how the actual text data is generated.
In case you're interested, the repository is here. Don't tell me I haven't warned you about the code quality ;)