
Lit with Kotlin

Lit - with Kotlin

I recently did some experiments using a compiler plugin for custom string literals to have something like JSX, but for Kotlin JS. I came to realize that Lit is much more suitable for that purpose, because in theory it is sufficient to map Javascript's custom string literals to Kotlin's and boom, everything should work, because Lit already does all other stuff for us.

And indeed, it works.

I was able to pull this off:

class SimpleNumber : LitElement() {
    var number: Int = 0
        set(value) {
            field = value

    override fun render(): dynamic {
        return _html("<button @click=${ { number++; } }>$number</button>")

customElements.define(HtmlTagName("simple-number"), SimpleNumber::class.js)

val result0 = _html("<div>${SimpleNumber(number)}</div>")
val result1 = _html("<div><simple-number></simple-number></div>")

The glue between Lit and Kotlin: Terpal

Just like my JSX/KTX experiments, this one builds on top of the excellent Terpal compiler plugin for Kotlin, which gives you custom string literals.

So when using string literals like "foo${bar.baz}", a defined function will be called with an array of string parts and values instead of the default interpolated string. This is exactly what Javascript's string literals do, which is in turn exactly what the html function from Lit accepts.

And this is where even simple things start to get hairy.

First, you need to find out what exactly is the shape of the things the html function needs. For that, you go into the Lit sources and read the TypeScript definitions. It's a TemplateStringsArray. And it has a property raw. Easy. In Kotlin you declare:

external interface TemplateStringsArray {
    var raw: Array<String>

And the html function as

external fun html(a: TemplateStringsArray, b: Array<Any?>): dynamic


This will fail at runtime. Because in Lit there is a check that the TemplateStringsArray is of type array. Well, in Kotlin, Array is not an open class, which means you cannot inherit from it. So there is no way to extend the Array class, which is how the Javascript array class is represented.

We need to help ourselves by defining it in JavaScript:

class TemplateStringsArray extends Array {
window.TemplateStringsArray = TemplateStringsArray // so that it can be used everywhere

In order to construct our TemplateStringArray, we resort to a helper function that bypasses Kotlin's typesystem again:

fun TemplateStringsArray(array: Array<String>): TemplateStringsArray {
    return js("new TemplateStringsArray()").unsafeCast<TemplateStringsArray>().apply {
        this.asDynamic()["raw"] = array
        val x = this
        array.forEach {

Test-driving it with a simple div containing a string from a property works.


It's not correct, it renders an array value. And if I use more than one parameter it throws an exception. That's because the html function doesn't actually take two arrays as parameters. external fun html(a: TemplateStringsArray, vararg b: Any?): dynamic does the job - the values are passed as multiple single parameters.

The Terpal interpolator can then look like this, utilizing the splat operator:

class LitInterpolator : Interpolator<Any, dynamic> {
    override fun interpolate(parts: () -> List<String>, params: () -> List<Any>): dynamic {
        val params: Array<Any?> = params().toTypedArray()
        return html(TemplateStringsArray(parts().toTypedArray()), *params)

val _html = LitInterpolator()

Kotlin -> ES classes

Kotlin compilation to Javascript normally results in a lot of functions, like Javascript worked back then. However, Lit needs proper classes to work in a component-oriented way. Otherwise, you would need to use the standalone-templates approach which is also very cool but makes organizing a complex user interface less good. Maybe I will explore that one in the future. Kotlin support compilation to ecma script classes, but it's experimental and as I experienced has a lot of bugs. For example a simple class definition like

class SimpleGreeting: LitElement() {
    val number: Int = 13
    var foo: String = "everyone"

    override fun render(): dynamic {
        return _html("<div><div>hello $foo</div>${ SimpleNumber(number) }<button @click=${ { foo = "bar" } }>Click Me</button></div>")

doesn't work - the foo property is completely empty, it's not initialized. When I add an init {} block, I came to conclusion that it's never executed, not even throwing an exception shows up. The number property is not properly passed to the SimpleNumber instance, which is also only a wrapper that in turn does not reflect the increment of the number without me explicitly calling requestUpdate() in the property setter, as shown in the very first code snippet. However, this doesn't help with the initial rendering - you remember, the init block didn't work, and adding an apply {} to the property also doesn't work for some reason.

Furthermore. Even when the properties would work without problems, Lit expects us to list reactive properties in a static function like static properties = {foo: {type: String}}. In theory, you can simply define Javascript statics in Kotlin by writing a companion object. That doesn't work with the ecma script compilation, the methods are simply not generated.

Ok, we're not beginners here, we can mitigate all that by using one of the single greatest features only Kotlin offers: delegated properties. In theory that will make our classes look like this:

class SimpleGreeting: LitElement() {
    var foo by State("everyone")
    fun render() {}

with a simple delegate implementation like this

data class State<T>(@JsName("underlying") var underlying: T) {
    operator fun getValue(thisRef: LitElement, property: KProperty<*>): T = underlying
    operator fun setValue(thisRef: LitElement, property: KProperty<*>, value: Any?) {
        underlying = value as T

But it also doesn't work. It complains about some methods on undefined blah blah. No way to get it to work.

Closing words

There are too many things that don't work with Kotlin compilation to Javascript classes. Other than that, I have high hope that using the standalone-template approach of Lit works much better. The custom string literals in Kotlin work very well with a framework like Lit, that doesn't need too much more than that.

I misused the repository from last time, it is here, but you have to take a look at the branch lit.