Two-phase occlusion culling (part 1)
Perfect culling using the last frame's depth pyramid
I really love rendering technique performance enhancements that work with existing asset pipelines and don't need artists to tweak and configure scene objects. Occlusion culling is a technique that is necessary for every engine that should be able to render interior scenes or outdoor scenes with much foilage. Some existing techniques require the user to mark occluder objects explicitely - which is not sufficient for outdoor scenes where ocludees are occluders too, some techniques are fast, but introduce sync points between cpu and gpu and therefore introduce latency and with it popping artifacts.
This papter describes a super nice algorithm very briefly: Two-phase occlusion culling. This technique has some advantages: It is blazingly fast, because it's GPU-only. Culling dozens of thousands of objects and even single instances is possible. It introduces no latency, so no popping artifacts. And it doesn't need hand-tweaking, no need to differenciate between occluders and occludees - every object can be both. The disadvantage is, that the technique requires a fairly new GPU with indirect rendering.
The algorithm
public static void renderHighZMap(int baseDepthTexture, int baseWidth, int baseHeight, int highZTexture, ComputeShaderProgram highZProgram) {
int lastWidth = baseWidth;
int lastHeight = baseHeight;
int currentWidth = lastWidth /2;
int currentHeight = lastHeight/2;
int mipMapCount = Util.calculateMipMapCount(currentWidth, currentHeight);
for(int mipmapTarget = 0; mipmapTarget < mipMapCount; mipmapTarget++ ) {
highZProgram.setUniform("width", currentWidth);
highZProgram.setUniform("height", currentHeight);
highZProgram.setUniform("lastWidth", lastWidth);
highZProgram.setUniform("lastHeight", lastHeight);
highZProgram.setUniform("mipmapTarget", mipmapTarget);
if(mipmapTarget == 0) {
GraphicsContext.getInstance().bindTexture(0, TEXTURE_2D, baseDepthTexture);
} else {
GraphicsContext.getInstance().bindTexture(0, TEXTURE_2D, highZTexture);
GraphicsContext.getInstance().bindImageTexture(1, highZTexture, mipmapTarget, false, 0, GL15.GL_READ_WRITE, HIGHZ_FORMAT);
int num_groups_x = Math.max(1, (currentWidth + 7) / 8);
int num_groups_y = Math.max(1, (currentHeight + 7) / 8);
highZProgram.dispatchCompute(num_groups_x, num_groups_y, 1);
lastWidth = currentWidth;
lastHeight = currentHeight;
currentWidth /= 2;
currentHeight /= 2;
And the corresponding compute shader:
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D sourceTexture;
layout(binding = 1, r32f) uniform image2D targetImage;
layout(local_size_x = WORK_GROUP_SIZE, local_size_y = WORK_GROUP_SIZE) in;
uniform int width = 0;
uniform int height = 0;
uniform int lastWidth = 0;
uniform int lastHeight = 0;
uniform int mipmapTarget = 0;
vec4 getMaxR(sampler2D sampler, ivec2 baseCoords, int mipLevelToSampleFrom) {
vec4 fineZ;
fineZ.x = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords, mipLevelToSampleFrom).r);
fineZ.y = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(1,0), mipLevelToSampleFrom).r);
fineZ.z = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(1,1), mipLevelToSampleFrom).r);
fineZ.w = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(0,1), mipLevelToSampleFrom).r);
return fineZ;
vec4 getMaxG(sampler2D sampler, ivec2 baseCoords, int mipLevelToSampleFrom) {
vec4 fineZ;
fineZ.x = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords, mipLevelToSampleFrom).g);
fineZ.y = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(1,0), mipLevelToSampleFrom).g);
fineZ.z = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(1,1), mipLevelToSampleFrom).g);
fineZ.w = (texelFetch(sampler, baseCoords + ivec2(0,1), mipLevelToSampleFrom).g);
return fineZ;
void main(){
ivec2 pixelPos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
ivec2 samplePos = 2*pixelPos;//+1; // TODO: Fix this
int mipmapSource = mipmapTarget-1;
vec4 total;
if(mipmapTarget == 0) {
total = getMaxG(sourceTexture, samplePos, 0);
} else {
total = getMaxR(sourceTexture, samplePos, mipmapSource);
float maximum = max(max(total.x, total.y), max(total.z, total.w));
//Thank you!
vec3 extra;
// if we are reducing an odd-width texture then fetch the edge texels
if ( ( (lastWidth % 2) != 0 ) && ( pixelPos.x == lastWidth-3 ) ) {
// if both edges are odd, fetch the top-left corner texel
if ( ( (lastHeight % 2) != 0 ) && ( pixelPos.y == lastHeight-3 ) ) {
extra.z = texelFetch(sourceTexture, samplePos + ivec2( 1, 1), mipmapSource).x;
maximum = max( maximum, extra.z );
extra.x = texelFetch( sourceTexture, samplePos + ivec2( 1, 0), mipmapSource).x;
extra.y = texelFetch( sourceTexture, samplePos + ivec2( 1,-1), mipmapSource).x;
maximum = max( maximum, max( extra.x, extra.y ) );
} else if ( ( (lastHeight % 2) != 0 ) && ( pixelPos.y == lastHeight-3 ) ) {
// if we are reducing an odd-height texture then fetch the edge texels
extra.x = texelFetch( sourceTexture, samplePos + ivec2( 0, 1), mipmapSource).x;
extra.y = texelFetch( sourceTexture, samplePos + ivec2(-1, 1), mipmapSource).x;
maximum = max( maximum, max( extra.x, extra.y ) );
imageStore(targetImage, pixelPos, vec4(maximum));
The culling shader code can be found on rastergrid, where you can find very much information about highz culling in general. I experienced some strange bugs with compute shaders, that seemed to be executed twice on my machine. Since I wasn't able to get rid of them, I used a vertex shader trick to execute arbitrary kernels on the GPU: Have some dummy vertex buffer bound (needed by specification) and use glDrawArrays with (commands.size + 2) / 3 * 3 (we need a multiple of 3 here). No fragment shader is needed for the shader program. In the vertex shader, gl_VertexID can be used as the invocation index. The following shadercode copies draw commands from visible entities to the target buffer. It's just an extract, but you get the idea:
layout(std430, binding=9) buffer _visibility {
int visibility[1000];
uniform int maxDrawCommands;
void main()
uint indexBefore = gl_VertexID;
if(indexBefore < maxDrawCommands) {
DrawCommand sourceCommand = drawCommandsSource[indexBefore];
bool visible = visibility[indexBefore] == 1;
uint indexAfter = atomicAdd(drawCount, 1);
drawCommandsTarget[indexAfter] = sourceCommand;
There is some aspect missing yet: With instanced rendering, one has to introduce a offset buffer, where every entry gives the offset into a instanced entity buffer for a draw command. My current implementation has a AABB for an instance cluster, grouping several isntances into a draw command that can be culled. The next post will hopefully show, how this tecchnique can be extended to cull single instances, in order to have perfect culling for example for thousands of foilage objects.