Dissecting Spring petclinic
I try to apply various refactorings to Spring's example project, the petclinic. Let's then take a look at pros and cons.
I try to apply various refactorings to Spring's example project, the petclinic. Let's then take a look at pros and cons.
I converted all tests in Spring's example project to blackbox tests. Let's take a look at pros and cons.
Dependency inversion managed to get very close to becoming everyone's silver bullet. We need to talk about the costs it imposes and why we should use it less.
When implementing texture streaming in my engine, I realized some not-so-nice bits in the existing code textures. So I changed it.
Using a float mipmap bias when dynamically streaming textures can help preventing visible pop-ins.
Clean Architecture and its author are under fire nowadays. I see some reasons for that and try to elaborate on the situation.
I will motivate why you should always define the boundaries of your system as small and as far out as possible and why you should only test them, instead of the rest of your system.